Twitter Updates for 2007-04-14

Wondering (as a passionate ex-Smalltalker) how I managed to miss the buzz about Seaside!. Are we seeing the resurgence of Smalltalk? # Cooking lunch – pasta with red peppers and mushrooms # With the weekly visit to the supermarket complete it’s “Kaffee & Kuchen” time # Blowing bubbles with the children in the garden #… Continue reading Twitter Updates for 2007-04-14

Pension room Wi-Fi

I’ve got reasonably fast Wi-Fi in my Pension room in Ismaning, near Munich. 3 Euros a day (excluding room).

Categorized as Munich

Scrum and Lean

As a Scrum coach and practitioner, I find that Scrum itself, backed up by my experience, provides most of the guidance that I need to advise clients during agile transitions. However, sometimes it is useful to look at other flavours of agile. Lean Software Development, which shares a common ancestry with Scrum in that they… Continue reading Scrum and Lean

Categorized as agile

Fungible “fungible \FUHN-juh-buhl\, adjective: 1. (Law) Freely exchangeable for or replaceable by another of like nature or kind in the satisfaction of an obligation. 2. Interchangeable. noun: 1. Something that is exchangeable or substitutable. Usually used in the plural.”

Categorized as agile

Air Ambulance

Air Ambulance Originally uploaded by sjroberts. An ADAC air ambulance lands in a very tight spot in Lichtenrade, Berlin. The helicopter is only just visible in this spur of the moment shot. As a casual observer, I’m often impressed by the daring of the ADAC helicopter crews.

Categorized as Berlin

Snowy Ismaning

Ismaning Originally uploaded by sjroberts. A wonderfully sunny snowy morning in Ismaning near Munich.

Categorized as Munich

Scrum auf Deutsch

We’ve translated Mike Cohn’s re-distributable “Introduction to Scrum” into German. You can get it here. It’s licensed using the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. Please let us know if you make improvements.

Categorized as agile

Planning Poker

Planning Poker Originally uploaded by sjroberts. The estimates are starting to converge but there are still some significant differences. The participants are discussing the high and low estimates.

Categorized as agile, Munich

John-Locke Boyz

John-Locke Boyz Originally uploaded by sjroberts. Seen at a skateboard park in Lichtenrade Berlin. Unfortunately, the John-Locke Boyz in question are not necessarily fans of John Locke, the 17th century English philosopher but are residents of John-Locke Strasse (which is named after the philosopher).

Categorized as Berlin