An article, co-written by ScrumCenter founders Christoph Mathis and Simon Roberts, describing the Scrum transition at Allianz Deutschland AG, is now available for free download thanks to an agreement with SIGS-DATACOM GmbH.
The article, co-written by Gerhard Hastreiter (Allianz Deutschland AG), Chistoph Mathis (ScrumCenter GmbH) and Simon Roberts (ScrumCenter GmbH), first appeared in the January 2009 edition of ObjektSpektrum and can be found here.
Simon, the link you provide gives me a 404 – strangely saying that error page 404 cannot be found:
Configuration Error: 404 page “/home/www/p109351/html/errorpages/404_error.shtml” could not be found.
Nevertheless, I cannot access the document you are referring to.
Sorry sigs changed the URL. I’ve now updated this post with the new URL