Enterprise Scrum Transitions EBook

My ebook “Enterprise Scrum Transitions” (with Stefan Roock), based on our well received session at the Barcelona Scrum Gathering, is available here: http://enterprisescrum.de It’s a free download and available in mobi, epub and pdf formats so all leading readers are supported.

Leuchtfeuer entzünden: Einführung von Scrum bei der Allianz Deutschland AG

An article, co-written by ScrumCenter founders Christoph Mathis and Simon Roberts, describing the Scrum transition at Allianz Deutschland AG, is now available for free download thanks to an agreement with SIGS-DATACOM GmbH. The article, co-written by Gerhard Hastreiter (Allianz Deutschland AG), Chistoph Mathis (ScrumCenter GmbH) and Simon Roberts (ScrumCenter GmbH), first appeared in the January… Continue reading Leuchtfeuer entzünden: Einführung von Scrum bei der Allianz Deutschland AG